Saturday, 9 November 2013

The hutch made it home!!!!!!

Yes indeedy it did!!!!

I was at work and had decided not to take my truck seeing as I hadn't heard from the hutch lady, and then lo and behold as soon as I pulled up on site - I got an email giving me the dimensions and saying "see you later!!!!!"- eeeeeeek

I quickly ran outside - flipped all the seats down in the SUV and pulled the front seats as far forward as they'd go - and as luck would have it - it would fit (only just mind you!!!)

Here's the picture from the ad that I saw it from first

Not much to go on but you know when  you get that "I can totally do - um - something with that!!!!

The only problem now was we had a lot of snow at home, and with my husband away and the snow drifts not allowing me to pull up to the deck to unload the hutch. I was stumped.

It sat in the back o the SUV for 2 days. Then finally I got a moment of "right - I'm big and strong surely  can get this into the house" - aside from the fact that I need the vehicle empty for other stuff!!!!

It took about 20 minutes and a lot of choice language to finally haul it through 2ft of snow in some parts and into the house (up some stairs I might add too!)

Drying out in the kitchen on towels!!

I always knew what I was going to do with this - so using that wonderful transfer technique I told you about previously - it now looks like this

The only downside to that technique is that it only really works properly on semi porous / more rough surfaces - so if you use a paint with any kind of sheen, the transferred image will be very faint - meaning you have to painstakingly paint in all the lettering etc with diluted paint.

Looking at it now I still think it needs more distressing - it looks a bit "new" Hmm - I might even antique it some more instead!???

Oh what the heck i'll decide in the morning ;)

It does come with 2 shelves but i only used one for the purpose of the photo, it can also be used as a TV hutch due to the fact that it has 2 circles cut out of the back - however you can't see thees cos they are cunningly disguised with 2 baskets. I love doing that you know - the whole "if you can't see it, it isn't there"!!!

I am now off to bed and will figure out how to hide all the laundry thats piling up :)

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