Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Bored headboard

Remember that awesome birthday 6 hour round trip to collect furniture? Well the dressers are still sat here (i'll get round to doing something with them), but the thorn in my side was the headboard.

I mean, does anyone even have a double bed anymore??? As I'm a waste not want not kinda gal I went to bed the other night with thoughts - what in the blue blazes can I do with that headboard?????

It's about 4.5 feet long - solid wood, no fancy frillies on it. To be honest its a big ol' plank of wood with some 2x2's as legs to attach to a bed.


Plank of wood, plank of wood. What's long - and goes in your house that looks like a big plank of wood (other than a shelf)?????


A couple coats of Benjamin Moore Advance in the Mayonnaise colour, and I was wondering how to do some nifty wording without spending a ton of money on a Cricut, or a ton of money on varying stencils (I'm kinda cheap like that!)

Well stone the crows - I found this AWESOME tutorial, on how to transfer lettering to wood using just your inkjet printer / water and a paint brush. I kid you not it really is that easy

Here's a link to a great tutorial and a fab blog for instructions on how to do it :) Click Me!

It's so easy even I could do it and not mess it up. But imagine the world off possibilities that opens up for putting lettering on everything, quickly and cheaply - without needing the skills of a master sign-writer!!!!!

That, my friends, is my kinda party!!!!

In other news I'm a bit disappointed that the hutch I was supposed to pick up tomorrow, looks like its not coming home with me. The online seller has all of a sudden gone quiet since me asking for an address (paramount for actually getting somewhere) a couple days ago.

Oh well.

I suppose I have other furniture here to be going on with. But I was sooooo excited about this hutch and what it was going to be :(

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