Monday, 14 October 2013

If you liked it then you should have put a flag on it!!!!!

I don't think I've mentioned that I'm English! I married a wonderful Canadian and now live in Canada. Rurally - with donkeys and land and stuff!!!!!

I adore my life here, but for some reason one day hankered for a touch of something 'me' in the house. (Not like there aren't lady me touches everywhere - errrrr yeah sorry bout all the throw cushions babe!)

So I found this desk online

Beautiful and sturdy, just needing some luvvin! But unfortunately too big for the space I had pictured it in at home. Heck I bought it anyway!

I've seen tons of Union Jack makeovers, some are awesome, some (and this is a personal thing because it's my flag!!!) are - not so awesome. So I wanted to do one, but not a standard one. I'm anything but standard you know.

This Vivienne Westwood print was the inspiration!


So after a few nifty paint techniques, this is how it turned out in the end!

I really loved it, and so did the lady that eventually bought it for her British hubby :)

It was also featured here on the amazing Better After blog. (Seriously awesome makeovers and great inspiration for anyone wanting ideas for their furniture!!!)

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